
Mt Washington (10/26)

This weekend we finally tackled Mt Washington. While it took us a bit longer than we expected (about 12h round trip). In the end it was a rewarding hike, with some nice views on the way up and down. The top was in clouds… It was interesting to go from high 50s to low 20s and back in a day. This was also our first taste of winter this year, looking forward to skiing! We took Glenn Boulder/Davis Path/Crawford Path approach. Some Pictures! 872A2840 872A2853 872A2860 872A2867 872A2871 872A2872 872A2874 872A2879 872A2881 872A2884 872A2886 872A2887 872A2889 872A2891 872A2894 872A2897 872A2903 872A2907 872A2916 872A2917 872A2923 872A2937 IMG 20191026 133639

Glades for everyone

While Saturday was painfully crowded at Stratton, Sunday was actually quite nice. We escaped the ice-ish conditions on the trails by venturing into the woods. A first time for Liz, it turned out to go quite well and no tree were harmed in the experiment.

Lake Tahoe and Squaw Valley

On the weekend of the Feb 12th we have a chance to explore the Squaw Valley ski resort a little bit. It was rather crowded, with rumors of them hitting 12000 visitors on that day, which apparently was their biggest of this season so far. It made skiing rather annoying, because there were so many people. The mountain itself was really nice, and on Sunday we had another day there which was much less crowded.

not enough snow!
ready to go
found myself some moguls
enjoying the afternoon sun
morning view on Lake Tahoe where we stayed

Skinning Mt Ellen

This weekend we decided to give a try to skinning. Fab was right on guessing I would love it. It is like hiking and the sliding movement reminded me of the elliptical machine I used to use when I was going to the gym. Word of advice, just go as far up as your level of skiing will leave you comfortable going down. I would have easily traded the way down for another 3 or 4 hours of skinning up. Fab enjoyed the way down way more than me. Maybe next time I will take my snowshoes or a butt slide ;) (post by Liz)

are we there yet?!
passing some closed lifts
the trees are crying!
snack break on top. made some friends;)
there was actually some decent snow depth despite the late season
Liz making turns on the way down:)