Trail Running


The new season of Diablo kicking off last Friday’s night made us change our routine of hiking on Saturday and instead hiked on Sunday. We have noticed that usually we hit more traffic on Sunday’s compared to Saturday’s and we decided to wake up at 4 AM to see if that would make our drive back better. I think it did, it was not perfect but better than our previous experiences on Sunday’s hikes. We hiked the North and South Twin peaks. The first half up was mostly flat, with three easy water crossings. I still needed my walking poles to help me balancing the jumps between rocks though. The second half was really challenging, most of the elevation gain was in that second half, very rocky terrain as anyone should expect in New England. We found out on our way back that our downhill muscles were not tired and once we passed the rocky steep part we started trail running most of the trail on our way back to the car. Surprisingly no mosquitos, maybe the mosquito season is ending? IMG 20190825 071400 IMG 20190825 081138 IMG 20190825 091914 IMG 20190825 111217 2019 08 25 09 16 04 372 2019 08 25 10 17 19 583 PANO 20190825 101242 vr