
Colorado Day 2:

On the second day we worked our regular East Coast hours, so we had some time to explore in the afternoon. For starters we went with a very short trail: We didn’t quite expect the elevation change to impact us so much, but as it turns out, we’re also dependent on our red blood cells for oxigen delivery. As a result even the little elevation change was quite exhausting. Apparently going from sea level (Boston) to 9000+ ft makes a difference in what we can do ;) Some more pictures: Fab trotting up the trail: 2019 08 29 15 14 49 392 Trail: Day1 CO 1 Made a new friend: Day1 CO 2 View onto Dillon: Day1 CO 3 View onto Royal, Victoria, and Peak 1: Day1 CO 4 Day1 CO 5 Day1 CO 6 Lily pad lake: PANO 20190829 154400 vr

Colorado - Day 1: Scenic drive i-70 -> 24 -> 91

After finally getting our luggage at the airport, we took the shuttle to the rental car center. After a brief sting in downtown Denver (it was a bit crowded for us) we headed westbound on I-70 towards Dillon. Since we couldn’t check into our airbnb before 4pm anyways, we decided to do a little scenic loop after a short coffee stop. I70->24->91 Here are some of the pictures we took: Day1 CO 1 Day1 CO 2 Day1 CO 3 Day1 CO 4 Day1 CO 5 Day1 CO 6 2019 08 28 16 34 33 664 Day1 CO 7 Day1 CO 8


The new season of Diablo kicking off last Friday’s night made us change our routine of hiking on Saturday and instead hiked on Sunday. We have noticed that usually we hit more traffic on Sunday’s compared to Saturday’s and we decided to wake up at 4 AM to see if that would make our drive back better. I think it did, it was not perfect but better than our previous experiences on Sunday’s hikes. We hiked the North and South Twin peaks. The first half up was mostly flat, with three easy water crossings. I still needed my walking poles to help me balancing the jumps between rocks though. The second half was really challenging, most of the elevation gain was in that second half, very rocky terrain as anyone should expect in New England. We found out on our way back that our downhill muscles were not tired and once we passed the rocky steep part we started trail running most of the trail on our way back to the car. Surprisingly no mosquitos, maybe the mosquito season is ending? IMG 20190825 071400 IMG 20190825 081138 IMG 20190825 091914 IMG 20190825 111217 2019 08 25 09 16 04 372 2019 08 25 10 17 19 583 PANO 20190825 101242 vr

Galehead Mountain

Back on the East Cost, we jumped straight back in and did one more of the missing 4000s: Galehead. Surprisingly enough, it seems the mosquitos were on some other mountain, pestering the hikers there. We had a nice day, no rain, not too warm. Enjoy some pictures: IMG 20190811 083348 IMG 20190811 083401 IMG 20190811 093446 IMG 20190811 094802 IMG 20190811 102432 2019 08 11 09 07 13 310

Point Reyes hike

This was our second weekend hiking in Cali. We started thinking that the nice weather and almost zero mosquitos were not a one-time good luck thing. Unfortunately the same goes for the long traffic lines on the way back to the SF area, not a one-time bad luck event. The hike was quite enjoyable and not very challenging, even though the elevation gain was around the 3000 feet spread out over 15 miles distance. We could see why someone described Mt Wittenberg summit as creepy. Only the last 2-mile section was annoyingly crowded, most of the people going in the opposite direction. We decided at some point to just ignore the crowds and not say hi anymore. They did not say hi either, so I guess the trick is to avoid eye contact :). 2019 08 03 07 54 09 098 2019 08 03 09 46 47 743 2019 08 03 10 32 25 881 IMG 20190803 071407 IMG 20190803 071635 IMG 20190803 073236 IMG 20190803 074101 IMG 20190803 092207 IMG 20190803 092628 IMG 20190803 093837 IMG 20190803 100838 IMG 20190803 102517 IMG 20190803 103105 IMG 20190803 111247 PANO 20190803 110301 vr

Ben Johnson Dipsea Trail

We redeemed ourselves from all the broken rules pretty quickly just one day after our first hike in San Francisco. This time we did a loop hiking part of the Ben Johnson and part of the Dipsea Trail. We learned that the Dipsea route is the oldest cross-country race in the United States, it started in 1905!! And here we were, thinking that cross-country races were something relatively new, ha! We were very well prepared for this hike with our camelbacks filled out with water, sunscreen, bug spray we surprisingly did not need, emergency kit, no cotton clothing, snacks and what not. This was definitely not a baby-hike considering the 10.4 mile and overall 3048 ft elevation gain. Very different from the east coast hikes in New England: during this loop we almost did not encounter any rocks, there were plenty of switch-backs (barely seen in New England), only one mosquito made contact, the creek trail was very dry (and no creek in sight). IMG 20190728 071946 IMG 20190728 072151 IMG 20190728 080829 IMG 20190728 092205 IMG 20190728 092634 IMG 20190728 095245 2019 07 28 09 52 57 893 2019 07 28 09 21 49 663 IMG 20190728 094234

Big Basin RedWoods State Park

During what would be our first hike in San Francisco, we definitely broke some very basic hiking rules -hopefully I will not get banned from AMC a.k.a. Appalachian Mountain Club and not to be confused with AMC Theatres. To be fair, we started the day at 3:30 AM EST for a 6AM six-hour-long flight from Boston to SF and went directly to the hike after a brief stop at the hotel just to leave our big bags at the lobby (it was quite early to check in and get our room). Also, we had previously decided to do a hike we would categorize as baby-hike: 4.3 mile loop and 603 ft elevation, so the broken rules had barely any impact;) IMG 20190727 151839 IMG 20190727 160552 IMG 20190727 160714 IMG 20190727 161531 IMG 20190727 162406 IMG 20190727 164859 IMG 20190727 175229

Ducati Fun Days in Italy

In a fortunate turn of events, I had the opportunity to participate in the DRE as well as the Ducati Adventure Tour last week. While it certainly was quite hot in Italy during the days (35-40 degrees C), it was still a couple of very enjoyable days.

The initial training (DRE) happened in the fields around Castle of Nipozzano. The tour took us a couple of hundred miles through Tuscany. Every day had nice double and single track routes, beautiful scenery, and some fun road riding.

Nice views on Mt Garfield

This weekend we hikend Mt Garfield. It was a really enjoyable hike. Compared to other hikes in the whites it has a surprisingly little amount of rock scrambles. The trail up was beautiful and mostly in the shade. Albeit a 11.5 mile round trip, it was very enjoyable. Apparently it’s Liz’ new favourite trail now ;)

view on top of Mt Garfield

(East) Osceola

Another one down on the list. Nice little scramble on top between Osceola and the east peak. Nice view on top:

Sean and Elaine joined on on that one, which was a nice addition :)