
Mt Washington - again

This time we took some friends up to Mt Washington. It was their first ‘big’ hike, so it was great seeing them experiencing it. We got a little bit of rain towards the end, but hardly even worth putting on a rain coat. Trail on alltrails.

Mt Passaconaway

About time we post something here again. Been long enough. It’s not like we didn’t do anything, but we certainly reduced outings during the pandemic. With both of us being vaccinated now, we are a bit more open to heading out again. The first hike this year was Mt Passaconaway via Dicey’s Mill trail (-> alltrails ) We weren’t sure how our fitness levels would stack up, but it seems we did some things right in terms of working out and it wasn’t actually that bad.

Nuevo León

We’ve been spending some time in Mexico, visiting family and traveling around. So here are some random impressions from all over the place:) 2019 11 21 17 03 49 046 2019 11 23 12 04 43 943 2019 11 23 12 43 37 325 2019 11 23 12 51 32 438 2019 11 24 13 07 25 747 2019 11 28 06 57 15 445 2019 11 30 10 28 33 097 2019 11 30 10 53 42 424 2019 11 30 10 59 20 485 2019 11 30 11 47 26 586

Mt Washington (10/26)

This weekend we finally tackled Mt Washington. While it took us a bit longer than we expected (about 12h round trip). In the end it was a rewarding hike, with some nice views on the way up and down. The top was in clouds… It was interesting to go from high 50s to low 20s and back in a day. This was also our first taste of winter this year, looking forward to skiing! We took Glenn Boulder/Davis Path/Crawford Path approach. Some Pictures! 872A2840 872A2853 872A2860 872A2867 872A2871 872A2872 872A2874 872A2879 872A2881 872A2884 872A2886 872A2887 872A2889 872A2891 872A2894 872A2897 872A2903 872A2907 872A2916 872A2917 872A2923 872A2937 IMG 20191026 133639

Colorado - Day 11: Willow Lakes

After some quiet days with a lot of scattered rain, we hiked up to the Willow lakes. It was another 3000ft elevation hike, but we felt a lot better than before. Also the first time we really started in the dark (with headlamps), which was interesting. We didn’t run into any wildlife though. They were probably scared by all the (bow)hunters we saw. Day11 CO 1 Day11 CO 2 Day11 CO 3 Day11 CO 4 Day11 CO 5 Fab trying hiking poles for the first time;) 2019 09 07 09 19 42 703 Day11 CO 6 Day11 CO 7 Day11 CO 8 Day11 CO 9

Colorado - Day 8: Tony

After having a little recovery after the big hike, we did a small loop to Rainbow Lake after work. On the way back on Masontown trail we encountered Tony. Tony was generally friendly and didn’t say much. However, he was also quite adamant about us not continuing on that particular trail. We ended up taking a little detour. In case you’re wondering, this is Tony: Day8 CO 1

Colorado - Day 6: Walk around Mt Buffalo

On the 6th day we finally did another big hike. We decided to go with a loop around Mt Buffalo ( It ended up being 13.2 miles (21.2km) and 3400ft elevation gain (1036m), since we used a different trail head than in the linked map. We started before sunrise and had really beautiful views on the way up. This time with more pictures of Fab ;) Sunrise through the trees: Day6 CO 2 Sketchy bridges: Day6 CO 3 Mt Buffalo: Day6 CO 4 Fab in front of Mt Buffalo: 2019 09 02 11 19 30 367 Looking towards Red Peak: Day6 CO 5 Melting water lakes: Day6 CO 6 Fab taking pictures …. again: 2019 09 02 11 46 03 537 2019 09 02 11 52 15 320 2019 09 02 12 07 39 548 Day6 CO 7 Liz was also around: Day6 CO 8

Colorado - Day 5: Scenic drive and sunset

For the fifth day we decided to do a little exploring in the car. Since it is just a rental car (Kia Sportage), we didn’t want to go on any serious trails. That’s aside from the fact that the Sportage really isn’t equipped to do any interesting offroading anyways. Either way, we found some nice unpaved roads and roamed the rockies for a while. Even within a little bit over an hour driving distance the landscape changed quite a bit from the omnipresent mountains around Dillon. In the evening we managed to get some sunset pictures above the Dillon Reservoir. Day5 CO 1 Day5 CO 2 Day5 CO 3 Day5 CO 4 Day5 CO 5 Colorado River: Day5 CO 6 Day5 CO 7 Day5 CO 8 Sunset pictures: Day5 CO 9 Day5 CO 10 Day5 CO 11 Day5 CO 12

Colorado - Day 4: Almost Peak 1

On our fourth day in Summit County we decided to try and tackle Peak 1 and the Tenmile peak. Emphasis on ’try’ as the altitude did beat us in the end we turned around short of Peak 1 summit. Of course not without having enjoyed a lot of great views past Victoria summit. Overall we still managed to do about 3400ft (1036m) of elevation in a little over 6 miles. Definitely felt a lot better compare to our short outing before. A couple more pictures this time: Morning sun: Day4 CO 1 Gaining some elevation: Day4 CO 2 What much of the trail looked like: Day4 CO 3 Day4 CO 4 More interesting trees: Day4 CO 5 2019 08 31 08 06 42 658 Day4 CO 6 Day4 CO 7 Day4 CO 8 2019 08 31 09 22 20 313 Day4 CO 9 Day4 CO 11 Day4 CO 12 Day4 CO 13 Day4 CO 14 Dillon from our highest point (a stone throw short of Peak 1): Day4 CO 15

Colorado - Day 3: Mt Evans

On the third day we decided to recover a bit and went for a drive again. The highest paved road in North America is conveniently only about an hour away from Dillon. So we decided to pay Mt Evans a visit. While quite touristy, it still afforded us quite some nice views. At 14,271ft (4350 m) we felt the elevation quite a bit again and we were quite happy we didn’t try to hike it ;) Morning from our cabin: Day3 CO 1 Observatory on top of Mt Evans: Day3 CO 2 Day3 CO 3 Wild mountain goat roaming through the parking lot: Day3 CO 4 Another goat: Day3 CO 5 Melting waters: Day3 CO 6 Day3 CO 7 We better get out of here: Day3 CO 8