Nice views on Mt Garfield

This weekend we hikend Mt Garfield. It was a really enjoyable hike. Compared to other hikes in the whites it has a surprisingly little amount of rock scrambles. The trail up was beautiful and mostly in the shade. Albeit a 11.5 mile round trip, it was very enjoyable. Apparently it’s Liz’ new favourite trail now ;)

view on top of Mt Garfield

(East) Osceola

Another one down on the list. Nice little scramble on top between Osceola and the east peak. Nice view on top:

Sean and Elaine joined on on that one, which was a nice addition :)

Mt Moosilauke via Glencliff Trail

On Saturday we went up Moosilauke via the Glencliff trail. While there were quite a lot of mosquitos attacking us, once we got a little bit higher they were all gone and it turned into an enjoyable hike. Even still found a little bit of snow :)

Last winter holdouts
beautiful trails with the sun peaking through
creeks in the way
Chilling out on top
pano on the peak

Bike packing in Greenfield State Forest

We finally took the plunge and gave bike packing a go. Or rather bike touring, as for some reason people are trying to distinguish the two. Supposedly bike packing is reserved for mountain bike touring. Doesn’t really make sense. We did it anyways and had a lot of fun. That is, until the mosquitos started attacking us. Between the two of us, we definitely fed a complete new generation of Greenfield mosquitos :)

Bear Brook State Park

Since the weather was looking rather bad for a hike above the treeline we decided to hit Bear Brook State Park again. We’ve been here before and once again we had a great time :)

Hero section
Look at all the things!
Yeah, very interesting
We might be lost?
Don't fall here :)