Dipsea Trail

Ben Johnson Dipsea Trail

We redeemed ourselves from all the broken rules pretty quickly just one day after our first hike in San Francisco. This time we did a loop hiking part of the Ben Johnson and part of the Dipsea Trail. We learned that the Dipsea route is the oldest cross-country race in the United States, it started in 1905!! And here we were, thinking that cross-country races were something relatively new, ha! We were very well prepared for this hike with our camelbacks filled out with water, sunscreen, bug spray we surprisingly did not need, emergency kit, no cotton clothing, snacks and what not. This was definitely not a baby-hike considering the 10.4 mile and overall 3048 ft elevation gain. Very different from the east coast hikes in New England: during this loop we almost did not encounter any rocks, there were plenty of switch-backs (barely seen in New England), only one mosquito made contact, the creek trail was very dry (and no creek in sight). IMG 20190728 071946 IMG 20190728 072151 IMG 20190728 080829 IMG 20190728 092205 IMG 20190728 092634 IMG 20190728 095245 2019 07 28 09 52 57 893 2019 07 28 09 21 49 663 IMG 20190728 094234