
Bike packing in Greenfield State Forest

We finally took the plunge and gave bike packing a go. Or rather bike touring, as for some reason people are trying to distinguish the two. Supposedly bike packing is reserved for mountain bike touring. Doesn’t really make sense. We did it anyways and had a lot of fun. That is, until the mosquitos started attacking us. Between the two of us, we definitely fed a complete new generation of Greenfield mosquitos :)

Block Island Triathlon

On the first August weekend we made our way to the Block Island Triathlon down in RI. While our results weren’t too glorious, we weren’t last and we had a ton of fun :)

Sunrise on the ferry
At the beach before the race
Signed up and ready :)
Done and exhausted on the ferry back to the mainland :)
Our phones said: flooding in the area. no kidding.

Biking around Arlington

This weekend we kicked off our mountain biking season 2018, and what better place than a local park we have never been before. And within biking distance! The name of the area is Burlington Landlocked Forest, and surprisingly enough, you actually feel a bit away from civilization, despite the constant humming of I-95.

someone was cheating her way around the mud;)
don't like pictures;)
neat little bridges through the swampy pieces
better don't go in there Artax!